Winter Car Accidents and Your Right to Compensation

Winter weather car accident claims dallas, TXIn most parts of the country, the winter season brings cold weather and unpredictable road conditions. Every year, over 900 people are killed in motor vehicle accidents during snowfall or sleet, and a staggering 1,300 people are killed while driving on slushy, snowy, or icy pavement. Despite the inclement weather contributing to car accidents, drivers are still responsible for maintaining control of their vehicle. If you have suffered an injury due to a winter car accident, you are still entitled to compensation. There a few things to bear in mind when attempting to receive what you are due.

Insurance Claims

Any time you are the victim of a vehicle accident, it is imperative to work closely with your insurance company to recuperate compensation due to you. After the accident, be sure to contact the police to have a report generated. This will serve as your evidence to the insurers. Never admit to fault, even if you were at fault. Admitting you were at fault could impact your claim. In an accident, you may suffer special damages in the form of medical bills, automotive repair bills, and lost wages. Additionally, you may have general damages like pain and suffering. You can usually expect to receive compensation for all damages from an insurance company.

Uninsured Motorists

In the event the other motorist is uninsured, you may have a harder time receiving compensation. This does not mean you should give up. Many auto insurance policies contain an “uninsured motorist” clause to provide you coverage in these cases. Furthermore, an uninsured motorist can be obligated to pay for your damages by filing a lawsuit. An experienced attorney can help you build your case and file the appropriate paperwork with the court. They can guide you through the process and negotiate on your behalf. A qualified lawyer can also aid you if you experience trouble receiving compensation from your insurance company.

Drive carefully this winter and avoid being on the roads in inclement conditions if you can help it. If you are in a car accident, seek out professional legal assistance to stake your claim. Contact the Todd Durham Law Firm at (214) 222-4000 for a consultation.

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